COVID-19 Resource and Updates

As your broker, I am working daily  to keep updated on changes to policies as they relate to your employer group health plan as well as changes that may affect your business.  Changes are coming in several times throughout the day from the insurance carriers and government agencies.  

Below are some changes due to COVID-19 . 

Telemedicine and COVID Testing

Most Employer Group Health Insurance plans are now covering Telemedicine.  Screening for COVID-19 is covered at no cost through your insurance.   If you need to see a doctor and are unable to obtain an appointment, please check with your insurance carrier on options for Telemedicine. 

Premiums Due for Health Insurance

 As of now, the insurance carriers have not extended the deadline for the premiums due for Health Insurance but I do expect this to change over the next few days.  However, if you would like to cancel your current policy to move to a lower premium and a  different insurance carrier, please reach out to me and I will prepare some options.  Or, if you would like to move employees who are eligible to Medicare, please contact me for guidance.  Moving employees to Medicare can save several thousand dollars per year.  

Special Enrollment Opportunity for Small Businesses

To assist employees in accessing care, carriers are providing Small Business clients with a Special COVID-19 Enrollment Opportunity to enroll employees who did not previously enroll in coverage.  The opportunity will be limited to employees who previously did not elect coverage for themselves (spouses, children) or waived coverage. The enrollment opportunity will extend from March 23 to April 3, 2020. Carriers may provide a “Notice of Special COVID-19 Enrollment Opportunity” to inform employees of this opportunity to enroll in their group health plan.

Early Prescription Refills

Insurance carriers are allowing for early prescription refills until April 30,2020.  This means, if you take a medication, you can have it filled before the date it is due. 

Medicare Eligible People

Social Security has suspended in person appointments at the local offices.  If people need to apply for Medicare Parts A & B, you can apply through the website.  If you only need to apply for Part B, please contact me for the appropriate forms.  

Final Words for now…

As more information becomes available, I will continue to communicate with you.  As always, I am here to help with your health insurance questions and Human Resource questions.  


COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave Summary: 

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