Motivating Employees

In order to achieve and maintain your business goals, you want to create an environment that allows your employees to meet or exceed expectations, do their best, and feel valued. While employees may be motivated by tangible financial rewards, employers should also consider less tangible motivators such as mentoring, personal and professional growth, and the opportunity to work on independent projects.

Motivational Drivers

What motivates one employee may not motivate another. Managing your team with a range of motivators can result in improved performance from many different employees, and in increased retention and enthusiasm for the company.

Employers may want to adopt a variety of employee motivators, such as:

  • Opportunities for promotion
  • Freedom to work independently
  • Challenging and satisfying projects
  • Personal and professional growth through training and professional development
  • Status and power, which can be represented in a job title
  • Promoting the building of relationships with colleagues and customers
  • Recognition of performance and contribution
  • Flexible work arrangements

How to Motivate Your Employees

These strategies may help motivate your employees:

  • Consider lateral moves if you can’t promote employees. Many times, people like to do different jobs to build their skills and knowledge.
  • Get to know your employees–learn about their interests and what is important to them.
  • Recognize employees’ efforts and achievements by personally thanking them.
  • Create opportunities for social interaction, such as a company sports team.



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